Friday, July 24, 2009


A rose can be crushed and destroyed but the fragrance will remain. Share


Lindsay said...

Thank you so much for these little glimpses into the lives of these royals. These links to the stories of the Romanovs have truly moved me!

Caroline said...

"Love is greater than death." I am sorry to say I don't remember the actual source. I am told it comes from the scripture.

elena maria vidal said...

Thank you, Lindsay. I did most of my graduate school work on the Romanovs and came to feel quite close to the Grand Duchesses, almost as if they were my own sisters. It is difficult for me to write about them myself and so I am blessed that Matterhorn is doing such a great series of posts.

Thank you, Terri, the verse is from The Canticle:

"Put me as a seal upon thy heart, as a seal upon thy arm, for love is strong as death, jealousy as hard as hell, the lamps thereof are fire and flames. Many waters cannot quench charity, neither can the floods drown it: if a man should give all the substance of his house for love, he shall despise it as nothing."

The Canticle of Canticles 8:6-7

May said...

My goodness! You must be a real expert on them, I'm humbled and all the more grateful to you for linking to my posts- it's actually quite a new topic for me!

Julygirl said...

I have read almost every book written about the family but still found these posts interesting regarding specific details about the girl's personalities.

Lorraine said...

so very pretty.... all the Romanov sisters were very tragic, especially since they probably carried the hemophilia gene, so no matter there would be tragedy in their lives.

elena maria vidal said...

I never thought of it that way but you're right.